Brexiting and Rights 27 Sept
Discussion seminar on the human rights and equality implications of the EU referendum
Venue: The MAC Belfast, Metropolitan Arts Centre, 10 Exchange St, Belfast BT1 2LS
[***note change to larger venue, new location adjacent to UU Belfast Campus***]
Tuesday 27th September 9.30-1pm
Partnership between the Transitional Justice Institute (TJI), Ulster University and the Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) in association with the Equality Coalition
• Prof. Colin Harvey QUB School of Law “Reflections on Human Rights and Citizenship in a Changing Constitutional Context”
• Paul MacFlynn Nevin Economic Research Institute (NERI) “Economic implications of BREXIT”
• Patricia McKeown, UNISON/Co-Convener Equality Coalition and member EU European Economic and Social Committee, “Equality and socioeconomic rights implications”
• Prof. Fionnuala Ni Aolain, Transitional Justice Institute, Ulster “The Belfast Agreement and Beyond: Treaty Law, Customary International Law and Other International Legal Obligations: Implications for Brexit”
• Claire Archbold, Deputy Departmental Solicitor, Departmental Solicitor’s Office “Brexit – the task ahead for Northern Ireland”?
• Ciaran White, Law School, Ulster University. “Brexit and NI Employment Law – a proposal for an NI-specific framework to defend workers’ EU rights?”
More details at
2.5 CPD points will be available for barristers.Solicitors attending this event will be eligible to claim 2 general group study CPD hours.
Light lunch provided. There is no charge for this event.
RSVP, detailing any specific needs to:
Follow @TJI_ and @CAJNi on twitter #Brexiting