Defining Public Duties to Tackle Incitement to Hatred whilst Respecting Freedom of Expression: Reviewing the Legal & Policy Framework – conference report
A one-day conference was held on 13 October 2017 to explore, from a human rights perspective, when public authorities can or must act against speech and cultural expression in order to protect the rights of others. The event was organised by the Equality Coalition, with support from the Senator George J. Mitchell Institute for Global Peace, Security and Justice. It was comprised of presentations, panel discussions and a series of afternoon workshops, all exploring different themes related to the legal framework (both local and international) on countering incitement to hatred.
From the proceedings of this conference, a comprehensive 90 page report has been published.
The launch of this report has been purposely timed to coincide with the recently launched review of hate crime legislation in Northern Ireland, which began its work in June 2019 with Judge Desmond Marrinan at the helm.
You can download a digital version of the report here.
The Equality Coalition is co-convened by UNISON and CAJ.