S463 Submission to ECRI on draft revised General Policy Recommendation No. 2
Submission to the Council of Europe European Commission against Racism and Intolerance (ECRI) on draft revised General Policy Recommendation (GPR) No. 2 on Specialised bodies to combat racism and intolerance at national level (S463).
The Committee on the Administration of Justice (CAJ) is an independent human rights NGO with cross community membership in Northern Ireland and beyond. It was established in 1981 and campaigns on a broad range of human rights issues. CAJ seeks to secure the highest standards in the administration of justice in Northern Ireland by ensuring that the government complies with its international human rights obligations. We are members of FIDH and the Fundamental Rights Platform. CAJ also co-convenes, with the public sector trade union UNISON, the Equality Coalition, a broad network of equality NGOs and trade unions.
CAJ welcomes the opportunity to comment on the revised draft GPR 2 on the role of specialised equality bodies to combat racism and intolerance. We have considered the draft GPR which is extremely helpful and have the following specific comments in three areas:
- Jurisdiction of equality bodies
- Use of concept of ‘good relations’ with mandates
- Public Sector Equality Duties and their enforcement