Submission to the Committee of Ministers in relation to the supervision of the cases concerning the action of the security forces in Northern Ireland (October 2020)
The Committee of Ministers is the decision-making body of Europe’s leading human rights organisation, the Council of Europe. Its functions include examining the execution of judgments made by the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) in a series of cases in which states have been found to have committed human rights violations.
CAJ regularly makes submissions the Committee of Ministers on the ‘McKerr group of cases’ concerning the actions of the security forces in the 1980s and 1990s in Northern Ireland. These submissions have charted the evolution of the ‘package of measures’ agreed to by the UK further to the above judgments, as well as subsequent legacy proposals relating to these measures.
Our latest submission has been drafted for consideration at the 1390th meeting of the Ministers’ Deputies in December 2020.
You can download the full submission here.